Using CGPM Server and Guidelines

October 18, 2018
Andy Wang


The FSU CGPM server contains a total of 48 CPU cores and has 503GB of total memory. The server runs on Ubuntu OS 16.04.4 LTS. 

Head node

Create a new account by sending an email to with your FSU Bio email address.

Login to the head node ( is currently via SSH. Windows users can download PuTTy for Windows. For example, to log in from the command line of Unix based machines.

  • Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-124-generic x86_64)
  • Documentation:
  •  Management:
  •  Support:

If you are off campus, use  to start a VPN connection and then try to connect to the server.

The head node/login node has approximately 2TB for user home directories.

To check your current usage statistics, do:

  •   du /home/awang -h --max-depth=1

Using Spack

Spack is a package management tool for supercomputing. The user loadable modules are available for CGPM server is the default packages don't meet your requirement. Initiate the spack environment is required before use by the command " . /usr/local/spack/share/spack/". To check the available modules, you can easily run the " spack find" command from an interactive session. 


As shown above:

  1. To show currently loaded modules, use spack list command.
  2. To open spack documentation in a web browser, use spack docs command.
  3. To add a package to the environment, use spack load command.
  4. To unload a module, use spack unload command.
  5. To see module specific help information, use spack help command.